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Home Documenti Le Balle di Alfano nei cieli d'Italia (video e foto)
Le Balle di Alfano nei cieli d'Italia (video e foto) PDF Stampa E-mail
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Martedì 29 Aprile 2014 20:06
di AA. VV. - 29 aprile 2014

Pubblichiamo i video e le foto della "manifestazione" organizzata per i 100 giorni di Scorta Civica a Palermo alla quale si sono unitè altre città d'Italia (Trapani, Milano, Torino).
Si ringraziano Antonio Melita, Gaetana Alaimo, Giulia La Marca, Angelo Valenti, Roberta Gatani, Ferdinando Domè, Ludovica Pizzetti, Antonio Pascarito.


Video di Giulia La Marca

Video di Angelo Valenti

Video di Roberta Gatani (TRAPANI)

Palermo balloons into the sky with the lies said by Minister Alfano
One hundred students have launched balloons with slogans against the broken promises of the minister, Angelino Alfano.

Palermo balloons into the sky with the lies said by Minister Alfano
One hundred students have launched balloons with slogans in support of the magistrate Nino Di Matteo.
One hundred students have launched balloons with slogans against the broken promises of the minister, Angelino Alfano.
The garrison of "Scorta Civica" is 100 day outside the court of Palermo.
The garrison of "Scorta Civica" is 100 day outside the court of Palermo.
"Despite repeated requests addressed to the interior minister, Angelino Alfano, the bomb jammer has never been assigned to the magistrate Di Matteo," said Salvatore Borsellino.
Schoolgirl with red diary symbol of the movement founded by Salvatore Borsellino, brother of the judge murdered by the Mafia July 19, 1992.
The garrison of "Scorta Civica" is 100 day outside the court of Palermo.
The garrison of "Scorta Civica" is 100 day outside the court of Palermo.
"Despite repeated requests addressed to the interior minister, Angelino Alfano, the bomb jammer has never been assigned to the magistrate Di Matteo," said Salvatore Borsellino.
The garrison of "Scorta Civica" is 100 day outside the court of Palermo.
Supporters of the "Scorta Civica" have stated that they intend to continue the garrison until the bomb jammer will be assigned to the magistrate Nino Di Matteo.
Schoolgirl with red diary symbol of the movement founded by Salvatore Borsellino, brother of the judge murdered by the Mafia July 19, 1992.
One hundred students have launched balloons with slogans against the broken promises of the minister, Angelino Alfano.
"Despite repeated requests addressed to the interior minister, Angelino Alfano, the bomb jammer has never been assigned to the magistrate Di Matteo," said Salvatore Borsellino.
One hundred students have launched balloons with slogans against the broken promises of the minister, Angelino Alfano.
One hundred students have launched balloons with slogans against the broken promises of the minister, Angelino Alfano.
Antonella Leto, a candidate for the list Tsipras the next European elections.
"Despite repeated requests addressed to the interior minister, Angelino Alfano, the bomb jammer has never been assigned to the magistrate Di Matteo," said Salvatore Borsellino.
The garrison of "Scorta Civica" is 100 day outside the court of Palermo.
Salvatore Borsellino, brother of the judge murdered by the Mafia July 19, 1992.
One hundred students have launched balloons with slogans in support of the magistrate Nino Di Matteo.
Salvatore Borsellino, brother of the judge murdered by the Mafia July 19, 1992.
One hundred students have launched balloons with slogans in support of the magistrate Nino Di Matteo.

Foto di Antonio Pascarito (MILANO)



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